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【评论】吴冠中 长江万里图 油画长卷

2006-12-11 10:20:45 来源:雅昌艺术网专稿作者:




  1973年,吴冠中从农村调回,参与创作北京饭店的大型壁画《长江万里图》。《我负丹青》一书中,吴冠中写道: “又遇上好运气。北京饭店约黄永玉、袁运甫、祝大年和我共同绘制巨幅壁画《长江万里图》”,“那图由设计师奚小彭总负责,绘制者有袁运甫、祝大年、黄永玉和我,袁运甫联系各方面的工作,稿子酝酿很久,待到需去长江收集资料,我们从上海溯江上重庆,一路写生,真是美差。”


  《我负丹青》一书中,吴冠中笔调快活地描述了匆匆数月的写生片断:“在黄山住的日子较久,日晒风吹,只顾作画,衣履邋遢,下山来就像一群要饭的,”“ 山城万县面临长江,江畔码头舟多人忙,生活气息十分浓厚,是最惹画家动心的生动场景”。






  2006年1月18日,国内各大媒体报道:“30年来,《1974•长江》与吴冠中玩了一个失踪游戏,吴冠中已经遗忘的时刻,意外现身于家中一个柜子底层,油彩已经浸透纸背,板结了。它的重现,吴冠中感觉“抢救了一个躺在摇篮里30年的婴儿。” 《1974•长江》6月于世纪坛展出,10月,捐赠故宫博物院。


  《长江万里图》总长509、高22.5公分,纸上油画,卷首有吴冠中的补题:“一九七一年至七二年间,偕小彭、运甫、大年、永玉诸兄,为北京饭店合作《长江万里图》巨幅壁画。初稿成,正值批黑画,计划流产,仅留此综合性成稿,小彭兄冒批判之风险,珍藏此稿,今日重睹手迹,亦惊喜、亦感叹!一九九0年七月八日 北京红庙北里六号楼 吴冠中识。”



  Wu Guanzhong -Ten Thousand Kilometers of Yangtze River - Oil Painting Roll
In 1973, returning from the countryside, Wu Guanzhong participated in the creation of Ten Thousand Kilometers of Yangtze River, large fresco in Beijing Hotel. In his book, What I Owe to Painting, Wu Guanzhong said, “I was so fortunate. Beijing Hotel asked Huang Yongyu, Yuan Yunpu, Zhu Danian and I to paint the large fresco Ten Thousand Kilometers of Yangtze River... designer Xi Xiaopeng was in charge of the whole project. Yuan Yunpu, Zhu Danian, Huang Yongyu and I painted it. Yuan Yunpu was responsible for contacting the different parties. We had studied the drawing for a long time and needed to travel to the Yangtze River and see the scenery for ourselves. We went on a sketching trip from Shanghai to Chongqing, along the river. What a nice esthetical errand!”

  Recalling the past, we can sense the artist’s happiness through his writing. Fortune or misfortune, both cannot be controlled by human. During the two decades, things changed rapidly. The artist does not want to be confined by the representation, nor be fettered by the abstract. He looks for a route where East and West fuse, where tradition and epoch merge. Now, they traveled along the river, lived on the bank, painted the grand landscape, and captured the spirit of the mountain and the river. How could the artist not feel happy?

  In What I Owe to Painting, Wu Guanzhong excitedly describes his months’ of sketching experience, “We have lived on Huangshan for a long time. Tanned by the sun and blown by the wind, we just focus on our painting. Dirty and poorly dressed, we looked like beggars coming down from the mountain. Wan County faces the Yangtze River. There are many boats and people on the dock, full of the life spirit, which is a most touching scene for the artists.”

  When Wu Guanzhong mentioned the creation of Ten Thousand Kilometers of Yangtze River, he said, “When I painted the Yangtze River, I set the image as a whole, and painted the details from the images. This is also the basic creation technique I employed in the 1970s. The river flows into the painting and flows out of it. It is the area of Yangtze River, is the land of China, which is not limited to the landscape along the river. So it also displays the basic elements of composition in plastic arts, which is not just the simple combination of scenes along the river.”

  Great work was created in the trouble times. As What I Owe to Painting records, the creation group “was informed that Beijing started to criticize ‘Dark Paintings’ when they arrived Chongqing. We were asked to go back to Beijing ahead of schedule, and were involved in the whirlpool of ‘Dark Paintings’. So the fresco of Yangtze River project was also abandoned. It does not matter for us to be criticized. But the drawings we spent our efforts to paint are precious. Later, each one has created some great works. The oil paintings Three Gorges for the History Museum and the Great Hall of the People, Welcome Pine Tree and Suzhou Garden for Beijing Station that I painted are all from those materials and drawings.”

  Over the last 30 years, few are aware of the existence of Ten Thousand Kilometers of Yangtze River.

  On January 18th, 2006, local media reported, “for three decades, 1974 - Yangtze River has played hide and seek with Wu Guanzhong. It suddenly appeared at the bottom of a closet in his house when he almost forgot about the painting. The paint has saturated the paper. The reappearance of the painting made Wu Guanzhong feel like ‘rescuing an infant lying in the cradle for 30 years’. 1974 - Yangtze River was exhibited in Millennium Monument in June, and in October, and was donated to the Beijing Palace Museum.”

  There are boisterous news, exhibitions, donations, and the legendary tale continues. The original comprehensive drawing Wu Guanzhong did for Ten Thousand Kilometers of Yangtze River, which was collected by Xi Xiaopeng, Chief Designer of fresco Ten Thousand Kilometers of Yangtze River for the Beijing Hotel, once again arouses great attention from the art world and art collectors. Through mediations by Hanhai Auction Company, since 1974 - Yangtze River, another oil painting masterpiece, which is under secret collection for longest time in the history of contemporary Chinese painting, entered the market of art collection.

  Ten Thousand Kilometers of Yangtze River, 509cm long, 22.5cm tall, is oil on paper, it features Wu Guanzhong’s supplementary epigraphy at its beginning, “Between 1971 and 1972, I collaborated with Xiao Peng, Da Nian, and Yong Yu to create a large-scale mural titled Ten Thousand Kilometers of Yangtze River for the Beijing Hotel. The first draft for this piece was completed right before movement of “Judging Black Painting”. The commission project was called off, and only this draft remains. Xiao Peng risked persecution during the Revolution and kept this draft in hiding. To see this piece again today is a delightful surprise but with a tinge of sadness! July 8th, 1990, No 6 North Li Red Temple, Beijing, Wu Guanzhong”.

  Through close appraisal by fine artists and art historians, 1974 - Yangtze River is found to have traces of charcoal pencil, which indicates that it should be a manuscript, or first draft. Ten Thousand Kilometers of Yangtze River is purely an oil painting without traces of charcoal pencil. Its description of landscape and coloring are delicate and elegant, naturally infused with lyrical charm and leisure. This is clearly the comprehensive final draft as mentioned in Wu Guanzhong’s epigraphy.

  The subject, artistic language, style and image in Ten Thousand Kilometers of Yangtze River have maturely and richly set as important subject and basic method in Wu’s later painting creation. Therefore, Ten Thousand Kilometers of Yangtze River is a fundamental painting of Wu Guanzhong’s painting style as well as the soul of his paintings. (Wang Chunyuan)





