出生年份: 1919~年
擅 长: 水粉水彩,油画,国画
毕业院校: 其他学校
创作年代 | 1973年作 | 尺寸 | 90*90cm |
材质 | 油画 · 麻布^_^ Oil painting on canvas |
装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | 《耕耘与奉献:吴冠中捐赠作品集》在线 | |
作品描述 | 中国美术馆藏^_^ Collection of National Art Museum of China 从桂林到芦荻岩的公共汽车中,车中人挤人,如沙丁鱼,我从别人的耳鬓边窥视窗外,好一幅图画:红树、秋山、白屋,白驹过隙,瞬间消逝。翌日,借辆自行车带画具来寻昨日佳境,竟不可复得。依稀记得那山那树那屋,但她们并不相邻,原来相距遥远,凭车速彼此一度相抱相亲。我往返追捕,根据记忆,顺着月下老人的红线,绘就此幅,若有人要来此写生,只能到自己脑子里找寻;^_^ The bus from Guilin to Ludiyan was packed like sardines. Looking out the window from beside another passenger, I beheld a charming picture of fleeting red trees, autumn hills and white cottages. The next day, riding a borrowed bike with my paraphernalia, I tried to relive the beauty, but in vain. I vaguely remembered the hills, the trees and the cottages, which were actually distant from each other, though the speed of the bus shortened the distance. I painted this picture from memory. If someone comes here to paint from life, he can only find the image in his mind. |
出生年份: 1919~年
擅 长: 水粉水彩,油画,国画
毕业院校: 其他学校
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