出生年份: 1919~年
擅 长: 水粉水彩,油画,国画
毕业院校: 其他学校
创作年代 | 1979年作 | 尺寸 | 61*46cm |
材质 | 油画 · 木板^_^ Oil painting on board |
装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | 《耕耘与奉献:吴冠中捐赠作品集》在线 | |
作品描述 | 中国美术馆藏^_^ Collection of National Art Museum of China 中国传统绘画的法宝是线和点,渲染也只是线和点的侍从。点、线加渲染虽也产生立体感与空间感,但对西方以大刀阔斧的面来直接表达物象、意象或抽象是完全隔膜的,至于大、小斧劈,也只是属于线的变体,非运用块面之道也;^_^ The primary elements in traditional Chinese painting are the line and the dot, and washing(xuanran) plays the second fiddle. Dots and lines plus washing can also produce a threedimensional effect, but that is completely different from the direct expression of physical,conceptual or abstract images with bold planes in Western painting. The major and minor 'axe strokes’ are but variations of the line instead of blocks and planes. |
出生年份: 1919~年
擅 长: 水粉水彩,油画,国画
毕业院校: 其他学校
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