出生年份: 1919~年
擅 长: 水粉水彩,油画,国画
毕业院校: 其他学校
创作年代 | 1995年作 | 尺寸 | 95*180cm |
材质 | 水墨设色 · 宣纸^_^ Ink and colour on rice paper |
装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | 《耕耘与奉献:吴冠中捐赠作品集》在线 | |
作品描述 | 新加坡美术馆藏^_^ Collection of Singapore Art Museum 苏州甪直小镇人家密集,前、后、左、右房屋挤碰,房檐与房檐几乎相接吻,门窗参差错落,怕鸽子也会认错家门。耐心的画家仔细描绘,一间屋连接一间屋铺展开来,最后画面效果倒又往往失去了那密密层层、重重叠叠的丰富感。是众多形象在争夺画家的视线:横、直、宽、窄、升、跌、进、出……造成了非静止感的复杂结构,其间交织着错觉,“错觉”是“敏感”的直系亲属;^_^ The small town of Luzhi in Suzhou is densely populated. The houses are so close to each other that their eaves almost touch and even doves might lose their way among them. A patient painter might depict them one by one, but the effect of the finished work would fail to convey a sense of dense overlapping. Many images, horizontal, vertical, broad, narrow, rising, falling, entering and exiting, vie for the painter's attention, forming a non-static intricate structure interwoven with illusions, which are directly akin to sensitivity. |
出生年份: 1919~年
擅 长: 水粉水彩,油画,国画
毕业院校: 其他学校
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