出生年份: 1919~年
擅 长: 水粉水彩,油画,国画
毕业院校: 其他学校
创作年代 | 1998年作 | 尺寸 | 145*368cm |
材质 | 水墨设色 · 宣纸^_^ Ink and colour on rice paper |
装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | 《耕耘与奉献:吴冠中捐赠作品集》在线 | |
作品描述 | 上海美术馆藏^_^ Collection of Shanghai Art Museum 沧海变桑田,是漫长的过程,见沧海者未识桑田,桑田里人则难于想象此地本处沧海中。沧海与桑田都是人世具象,而其转化中的过程却近乎抽象了。我画过许多桑田,也画过许多沧海,现成的桑田与沧海,写其貌,传其神,总不失为大地景色,生活情调;^_^ 我想表现时时出现在脑海里的时空之变,眼见的形形式式启示我未见的变幻莫测,苦经营,令时空交汇到我的画面上,她们会失去本色?也许这正是她们的本色,她们只是扬弃了人们的桎梏,一味任性奔驰,但处处相互照顾,呼应回合,嬉笑怒骂,皆成文章,别冤屈她们不守规矩,宇称不守恒,艺术之源还寓于性灵;^_^ A sea turning into a mulberry field is a long process. The ones having seen the sea could not see the mulberry field, and the ones in the mulberry field have great difficulty in imagining this field used to be a sea. The sea and the mulberry field are specific images in the world, however they almost turn to be abstract symbols during the process of transformation. I have created many paintings of mulberry field and sea. When I depict the existing mulberry field and sea, they are just landscapes in the world, in our lives.I expect to represent the changes of time and space often occurring in my mind, and the images in my eyes enlighten me about the unseen and unpredictable changes. If I endeavor to make time and space meet each other in my painting, would they lose their true qualities? Perhaps this is actually their true quality, and they just abandon the restrictions imposed on them to speed as much as they want, but they also care about and correspond to each. We ought not to wrongly accuse them of breaking the rules, as art always originates from inspirations. |
出生年份: 1919~年
擅 长: 水粉水彩,油画,国画
毕业院校: 其他学校
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