出生年份: 1919~年
擅 长: 水粉水彩,油画,国画
毕业院校: 其他学校
创作年代 | 1999年作 | 尺寸 | 70*70cm |
材质 | 水墨设色 · 宣纸^_^ Ink and colour on rice paper |
装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | 《耕耘与奉献:吴冠中捐赠作品集》在线 | |
作品描述 | 上海美术馆藏^_^ Collection of Shanghai Art Museum 我住了几十年大杂院里的四合院,决不敢恭维这种封闭式的构建,落后的传统。今挥毫,俯视这魔窟似的四合院,黑白块面之结构甚美,气氛沉郁具神秘感,可赞美为古迹、遗址、文物,若作为住宅,我说声告别;^_^ Having lived in a Chinese quadrangle turned into a tenement for dozens of years, I have a poor opinion on such enclosed structures representing a backward tradition. Now, as a painter, looking down at the quadrangle, which resembles the den of a monster, I am impressed by the beauty in the black and white structure and the gloomy and mysterious atmosphere. I can praise it as a historic relic, but I won’t live in it. |
出生年份: 1919~年
擅 长: 水粉水彩,油画,国画
毕业院校: 其他学校
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